Monday, February 14, 2011

Growing up?

When I was younger I used to wonder... what will it be like when I grow up? What does it mean to be 'grown up'? It seemed so over rated... everyone was always telling me... 'you will realise this once you're older'. So that's what it is? Just a couple of more years of mere existence on earth? It didn't make sense. Was there a certain day when it happened? A certain situation that brought out the 'grown up' in me? But I realise now...

Growing up is a journey. One through which we learn many a lesson. Growing up makes one realise that a lot of our dreams , may not come true... for whatever the reasons. But dreaming is important anyway.. as that is what gives one hope... lets one strive. And many a time, it's what causes painful dissatisfaction. 

Growing up is a journey through which one learns that no one is ours for ever. As cliched as it may sound.. the truth to this statement can only be learnt over time. We own, no body. Be it an unexpected flip in nature or Gods will... no person's mind or heart belongs to us for ever. Or at least, we can't expect it to. The bitter truth is we grow out of people, and cherished friendships. But if time reveals the fairytale truth , it's the happy ending we're all looking for isn't it? And then again... the happy endings never really end there do they? There's always more... just unwritten lines on blank pages.

Growing up is a journey through which one learns to make choices. Some very life changing choices too... and one learns how to live by them. It's the path you choose... and once chosen, there's no turning back. Live with it.

I was watching the Grammy's today. I hadn't the faintest idea of the nominees or the performers... in fact I hadn't even heard of some of the winners before ... and yet, i made it a point to watch. It's just something I do. Watch the Grammy's religiously year after year... I guess it has to do with certain associations. It reminds me of all those times when I was younger... and I'd watch the exact same award ceremony... with the exact same people... sitting on the exact same couch... only with dreams and aspirations that I hoped to accomplish someday. But as juvenile as those aspirations may seem today, it reminds me of all those times when I had ample possibilities before me and I actually dreamed big... and believed in all those things that I'd be one day.


  1. i dont really know why but your posts always, always seem to echo exactly my feelings...thanks for this :)

  2. good stuff.
    enjoyed reading it.
    growing up is no fun, is all i know..
    u write in simple words, which is very fascinating..
